Thank you so much for being Santa to one of our many Super Snooties.
Super Snooty forever fosters are dogs in our program who have extensive medical or special needs, are hospice, or are extreme seniors (15 and over). We prefer to consider their “special needs”, superpowers instead, as they inspire us and save us on a daily basis. They live inside an SGDR foster home for the entirety of their lives and we cover all of their medical and supply needs for that lifetime. These dogs on average, AFTER initial surgeries and treatments (which can range anywhere from $1500 to $8000), cost us approximately $1000 each to care for yearly, while providing the best vet care, excellent nutrition, medications/preventatives, and supplements. We generally have around 25-30 Super Snooties in our program at any given time. This is the part of our rescue that we are the most proud of and obviously, the part that requires the most money to fund.
There are so many amazing Super Snooties, we know you will find one whose story connects with you!
Click on the name of your favorite Super Snooty and it will take you to their Amazon Wish list!
Franklin is a 10yr old paralyzed Beagle that has grown up being a Super Snooty! He came to Snooty from a local rural shelter with neurological deficits at 7 weeks old. Franklin enjoys being outside, laying in the sun or by a nice fire, chasing squirrels in the yard and singing the Beagle song of his people.
Percy is a 3.5yr year old incontinent paralyzed Schnoodle. Percy was surrendered to Snooty at 3 month old when he started showing signs of paralyzation. Percy enjoys playing outside chasing Possum, cuddling up at night with his foster Mama and has learned how to howl like a Beagle with his brother Franklin.
Pomopposum is a 7yr old incontinent Pomeranian found himself at a local rural shelter at 6 weeks old due to neurological hemi-vertebrae. He has a larger than life personality and loves being outside relaxing by a fire and playing with Percy & Franklin.
Franklin, Possum, & Percy all live in the same foster home and are fantastic friends and playmates, and have many crazy adventures!!
Nimzy was born with a rare spinal cord deformity that has caused paralysis. Nimzy is almost 7 years old and has been in our forever foster program since she was a six week old puppy. Nimzy now resides in Texas with her Foster Mama Sarah and they have big adventures in the Lone Star State!
Nadya came into our program years ago, after months of living as a feral dog in our community. Her forever foster was actually the person who saved her, working tirelessly for months to be able to catch her. It took Nadya such a long time to acclimate to being a “pet”. Because of this and her anxiety, we knew she would remain in our program as a forever foster.
Riley is another one of our paralyzed foster dogs. She was lucky to land in a forever foster home with a foster dad that she wrapped around her paw. They do not allow Riley’s paralysis to keep her from living large. She goes on hikes in her wagon (she hates her wheelchair) and travels a couple of times a year to Miami to vacation with extended family. Riley loves that swimming time!
Danza was found as a stray by his forever foster mom. When no one ever came forward as his owner, she offered to foster him. He had some typical senior medical needs, but nothing that a good dental and basic care could not correct.
However, sometimes you become a forever foster not because of medical, but behavior. Danza was a very grumpy Chihuahua. So onto the foster roster he went!! That was years ago and we are happy to report he has mellowed in his old age, but still keeps the neighbor kids off of his lawn if needed!!!
Laurent was born blind and deaf and found her way to us at the age of one. Adoption never seemed to be in the cards for her and here we are 6 years later and she is still shining bright in her forever foster home. She loves farm life, spending endless hours with her favorite friends and toys…and sunbathing. No one loves to lie in the sun like Laurent Racene!
Loofah is an 9yr old Pug mix. Loofah came in off the streets and it was discovered she had mast cell cancer. She has been in our forever program now for 2.5 years and is just one of the many cancer dogs we have had who like to prove the scientists wrong by outliving their calculations!!! Maybe it’s love, maybe it’s because no one tells dogs there been a limit put on them….or maybe it’s just because she hasn’t taken enough car rides yet!! This girl loves to ride shotgun with her forever fosters.