Project Reward Class Descriptions & Times

Project REWARD classes began as a way to offer free puppy and basic obedience group sessions to any dog adopted from SGDR.  But it isn’t just for Snooty alum!!  
Did you know that if you adopt a puppy from ANY local municipal shelter you can sign up for a free session of Puppy Foundation classes??!!!  We are also here for you if you are struggling with behavior issues and feel you cannot afford the help you need.

Training Classes are a great opportunity to start a foundation with you dog as well as get the unruly dog under control. Our classes are geared towards obtaining a family pet that is well behaved in the home as well in public. Classes include Puppy, & Basic obedience.

Puppies 5 months and younger adopted from local shelters are given a free Puppy Foundations class. (proof of adoption is required)

All classes are held at 3660 Bear Creek Rd. Thompson’s Station, TN 37179

Questions? Email Ashley:

Puppy Foundations

The earlier you start training, the easier it will be. During the 5 week class course, we will start the fundamental skills needed to become a well-mannered adult, while providing appropriate socialization with people, dogs, and the environment.

ThePuppy Foundation class is for puppies 9 weeks to 5 months and under at the start of class.

After completing this course, expect to understand how to have your puppy give you eye contact, sit, down, come, walk appropriately an age-appropriate equipment and settle.

The class will be approximately 1 hour, with group play being held at the end.

*This is a 1 hour class for 5 consecutive weeks

Starting Dates:

Puppy Foundations – Tuesday February 18th5:30PM

Puppy Foundations – Saturday February 22nd – 10:00AM

All classes are held at 3660 Bear Creek Rd. Thompson’s Station, TN 37179

Basic Obedience

This Basic Obedience class is for “teenage (6-months) to adult ” dogs as well as our Puppy Obedience class graduates. You will be given equipment recommendations to set you and your dog up for life long success. Your dog’s understanding to soften leash pressure and become comfortable in the heel position will be primary goals. Reinforcement and reliability of the following commands will also be introduced:  eye contact, heel, sit, down, stay, recall.

*This is a 1 hour class for 5 consecutive weeks

Starting Dates:

Basic Obedience – Tuesday February 18th 6:30PM

Basic Obedience – Saturday February 22nd – 11:00AM

All classes are held at 3660 Bear Creek Rd. Thompson’s Station, TN 37179

Questions? Email us: